LAT-EasySign™ is easy to learn and simple to use. In fact, most will have their first signage screen deployed up and running in less than 30 minutes from initial sign-up. This allows you and your staff easily and fast put together powerful, exciting and elaborate messaging to promote and/or market your library, events or collection. There are no limits of how your messaging can be expressed, anything you can envision on how to best communicate, you can achieve through LAT-EasySign™.
LAT-EasySign™ does not lock you into long term contract! We want you to use this system because you like it and because it brings tangible value to your organization, not because you are locked into a contract. Our pricing schedule reflects that philosophy: $9.95/per month per device – add / subtract devices anytime. You can cancel anytime!
Delivering your message is as simple as 1, 2, 3. Here are the main steps: (1) Create, (2) Layout, (3) Schedule and Deploy.
Use any content at your disposal to design the message that you want to deliver. Supporting virtually all graphical formats (JPG, GIF, BMP, PNG ...etc., ) as well as live movie formats (WMF, SWF, FLV ...etc., ) - nothing can stop your creative process. Your entire creation process if fully and securely managed from anywhere in the world via any browser, simply login and create.
Not only can you create the message, but you can also control how you want them to be viewed on the screen for your audience. Is this a message that deserves a full screen display, or is this something that you can incorporate into a "news block" while featuring your library? These kinds of design decisions are fully made and controlled by you through layouts. Vary it based on message, make it standard throughout the library - whatever - you have full control.
Schedule & Deploy
Now that you have your message created and laid out, now schedule ("when") and deploy it ("where"). Just as before, through any web browser, access powerful scheduling capabilities to define when and how often to show the message. Show "Author Reading Hour" during the afternoon when the moms are there, and then show "See Our Latest Video Games" on Saturdays when the kids are there. You control when and how - You are in the driving seat.
Once you define the "when", you then define where you want this message to appear. You may have 1, 2 or 20 various LAT-EasySign™ enabled displays. One could be at the entrance, the other in the teen area, and the third by the circ-desk. Each display can serve a different purpose, have a different message and target a different visitor demographic. Once again, you have complete control and targeting.
...In Summary
- Fully web based - control from any device, including your smart-phone or pad
- Complete control over the creation, layout, scheduling and deployment of messages
- Fully network status visibility. Know when the message is being served, when displays are functioning and if there are any faults
- Ability to display LAT-EasySign™ messages on variety of devices, including large screens, movable displays, even public-use computers.
- Low cost; No long-term contracts; Quick and Easy!
Available Target Devices
You can run LAT-EasySign™ on any Windows computer. Any form factor is possible. Here are some possible devices that can house your LAT-EasySign™ messages as supplied by LAT.
Complete hardware / software for large screen displays. Use your hardware or ours. |
Movable displays design to provide a level of mobility to your messaging. Move it to where the "action" is. Many options to choose from. |
Use your existing infrastructure to propagate your marketing message. Use existing "public-use" PC's or existing OPAC stations to display your LAT-EasySign™ messaging during idle times. |
Have a screen but need a computer?
Check out our
LAT-EasySign™ CPU Bundle:
- Ultra compact, high speed CPU preloaded and configured with LAT-EasySign™ software.
- 1-Year LAT-EasySign™ software license including maintenance / support
- 1-Year complete maintenance / support for LAT-EasySign™ CPU
But I'm using Microsoft PowerPoint now?
You are
severely limiting your capabilities. See our
comparison chart of what you could be doing now.
Can I use my existing screens that we have in the library today?
Absolutely. Simply load the
LAT-EasySign™ player software and that's it.
What kind of computer is needed to drive the screen display?
ANY computer that is capable of running Windows 7 or above is fine. You don't need a lot of memory or anything powerful.
LAT-EasySign™ is designed to work just fine on anything you have.
Can I control what information is displayed on what screen?
Any content that you create is targeted to a specific screen or 'player' as we call it. Yes, any screen is totally independent and can display its own content, using its own schedule and with its own screen layout.
What do I need to do to run this on my OPAC station?
Simply load the
LAT-EasySign™ player software in the interrupted mode. Once OPAC becomes idle,
LAT-EasySign™ takes over and you have access to full features and capabilities of
LAT-EasySign™ as if it was a dedicated screen.
Can I run this on my self-check systems when they are idle?
YES - see OPAC comment above.
.Contact LAT to get specifics. LAT-EasySign™ is designed with flexibility in mind. LAT will work with you to find the best solution for your marketing / messaging needs taking advantage of your existing resources and capabilities.
Risk Free, Extremely Affordable
Yearly Subscription or Pay-as-You-Go – Basic plan that is only $9.95/month!
Cancel Anytime
There is so much more to say about LAT-EasySign™ - please contact us to get a live webinar to experience the true uniqueness of the system.